Monday, November 26, 2018

Working, Johnson Farm, and Black Friday - November 26, 2018

Our thanksgiving was fun. 
We did a lot of facebook in the Walmart parking lot to see the black Friday madness. It was fun. We then got some great food from a couple members. It was a good time. The week was good just not a ton of exciting stuff. Yeah we are finding more people,  but none super solid yet. We are working on it. 
The other elders in the area are doing good. Elder Baldwin is fun. We have a good time.
It is good. It's getting cold and rainy, but so it goes. My shoes are good. I would love some boot looking shoes. I can send a pic if you want of an idea. I did get a haircut today, so I'll take a selfie.
We email in a clubhouse that we have for our apt.  I would love some Christmas decorations. We got to look around Johnson Farm a little bit. It's pretty basic, just a barn pretty much.
I'm having fun. It didn't really feel like thanksgiving, so it was kind of weird being away from home. 
We raked some leaves and stuff this week. In a typical day we find people.  We stop by potentials and talk to them. Me and Elder Baldwin are good teachers, so we like to teach 
Well, I've got to go,
Elder Davis
Emailing in the Club House of our apartments

Historic Johnson Farm

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