Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Do you believe in God?, Indian Food, & Elevators - July 24, 2019

It has been a fun week. I really like this area and the people that we get to work with. The Young Single Adult ward has awesome people. On Saturday, we "ran" a 5K through historic Kirtland around the temple. It was a good day. 
There is a young family who lives below us. Their son found fireflies the other day, and he was so excited. We caught fireflies with Lincoln for a while. It was a lot of fun. The kids were trying to ambush us the other day. They had buckets of water and hoses, but we came home 15 minutes late and they had given up before we got there. It is fun to have great neighbors. 
We have been visiting a lot of members this week. Member referrals are always the best way to find people. We have great members in this area.
We played ultimate Frisbee this week for Family Home Evening. We get to go to the institute class each week. It is good to learn with everybody. 
Last week we went to the branch president's house and had pizza and cookies. It was so fun. Having dinner with members is always good. 
We are both staying in this area for another transfer. I have 3 transfers left. We still have our car, but will be moving soon. The new apartment is in a high rise in Cleveland. There is an armed security guard and it has an old elevator. If you know me, you will understand why that is not going to be fun for me. 
We had awesome Indian food this morning with a member from the Shaker Heights Ward. He showed us how to meditate and we had the best vegetables I have ever had. It was great. 
This Saturday we have a baptism. I am going to sing and baptize Destiny. We are really excited for her and grateful that we can teach her. 
I have never been so tired in my live, but I am happy to be in Ohio working for our Heavenly Father. 
I used to worry about things a lot and a story about Elder Ballard. There was a family who had lost their grandma. They didn't know how to go on, so they were meeting with him. He just said something like "do you believe in the plan of salvation? Do you believe in God?" If you do, then stop worrying. He is in charge. I try to remember everyday that our Heavenly Father is in charge. It has helped me. We all need to have more faith. 
Miss you all
Elder Davis

Lake Eerie

Looks like a great place

Pizza and Cookies with the Branch President

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