Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Top 10 Things About Ohio - June 3, 2019

It has been a good week. We have been doing service for people in the area. We did a random acts of kindness day and that was a success. Thanks to everyone who joined in. The weather has been nice. The branch in this area is about 25 people. So it is small.  My mom asked me the top 10 things about Ohio so here they are...
Top ten things about Ohio
10-useless nuts:aka Buckeyes
9-Beavers everywhere
8-ohio State
6- church ball
5-green, everything
3- farms
2- sunsets
1-fireflies everywhere
Ohio is a nice place. Elder Green and I are getting along. Next week is transfers so we will both be going somewhere. Our Pday will be on Wednesday next week. I can’t believe I only have 6 months left. It has been a great 18 months so far and I’ve learned a lot.
Elder Davis

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