Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Ohio Mosquitoes & Tornadoes - May 28, 2019

It’s been a good week here. It has been some crazy weather. We haven’t had any of the tornadoes but have been under lots of warnings for them. They are more west of us. We have had lots of thunderstorms and rain. We are keeping ourselves busy doing service for people. It’s mostly lawn care. We helped an elderly lady our earlier this week and got eaten by mosquitos. Apparently Ohio mosquitoes don’t care about big spray. We used some but it didn’t matter. There is also a lot of poison ivy here so that is fun. It has been good to be out and working. They will be closing this area at the next transfer. So we are just trying to keep things going until then. I went on exchanges and Elder Thomas’ cousin was a missionary in Jamaica who knew Brodey. So that was cool. We are doing exchanges again this week. Transfers are in two weeks and we think that Elder Green and I will stay together but get moved. We will see. I got to talk to my family for Elly’s graduation and my dad’s birthday so that was nice. The members here in the branch are nice so that has been good. We’ve been studying a lot. Advice I would give new missionaries coming out would be to study the Bible. It is a great resource and most people know it. Can’t believe I have about 6 months left. Time really flies on a mission. Happy Birthday Dad! Congratulations on graduating Elly! Keep it together Mom! Talk to everyone next week.
Elder Davis

1 comment:

  1. Good to see your picture. Love your smile, always.
    Grandma Linda
