Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Abandoned McDonalds, & Groceries - September 23, 2019

It has been a good week here in Youngstown, Ohio. We did service and helped chop wood and load it into a truck. It was a lot of wood, and they were wet. The logs weighed a ton. It was a good day, though. We were happy to help out.
 We were also able to go to the abandoned McDonalds. There are only like 3 in the US. It is in  Youngstown and pretty creepy. Everything is still in it. So, that was really weird.
We had a man teach us how to make chicken and waffles with the cooking group in Youngstown. That was fun. 
We also have an amazing lady in our ward who buys us groceries every two weeks. She leaves them in the fridge at the church. She is a huge blessing to us. We love it! Last week she said she ate two of the fruit cups so that she could put the eggs in there so they wouldn't break. So grateful for her and the people who help us out here. We are teaching a few people and it is going well.
I went on exchanges with Elder Johnson this week as well. We are working hard and grateful to be here.
Elder Davis
Chopping Wood

Abandoned McDonalds

Halloween Fun

Chicken and Waffles

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of heavy wood. You guys look great. Nice apartment! Proud of you.
