Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Wasps!! - September 30, 2019

Hey everyone!
It has been an eventful week in Youngstown. We actually live in Niles which is a small town outside of Youngstown. It is a nice place. Youngstown has some rough places, but we have met a lot of nice people there.
We are teaching some great people. We always have good discussions with them, and they are always good to us. 
This week we had wasps in our apartment, so we called a guy to come and take care of them. While we were gone the maintenance man came in and sprayed the nest, but did not get rid of them. So, when we arrived our front door was covered in live wasps. With no alternative, we put our coat jackets over our heads so we wouldn't get stung, wadded up some paper to be fly swatters, and charged. We killed them all. So, our front porch is covered in dead wasps, but we did not get stung. We have a video of this. I'll send it next week. 
We had zone conference this week also. Zone conference is a 6 hour training at the church. The president trains us in the chapel, and then we have missionaries training. Me and Elder Madsen did some training this week. We did learn that the white handbook is being updated and changed for missionaries. The new one comes out in October. Missionaries can have head phones now among other changes. I got to see Elder Lambert and Elder Stoddard at zone conference. It was good to see them. We did a training with playdoh. You were supposed to make a person you love and figure out how to incorporate them in your teaching to make it more personal to you.  
It's been a good week. Can't wait to see you all in 75 days, but whose counting. :)
Elder Davis

Oh, and I found a Thelma!! Hype

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