Monday, February 18, 2019

Calls Every Week! -February 18, 2019

So, Sayre can call every week now. We will still update his blog with his mission stories and experiences, but we are so excited for this change. It will be a huge blessing for all of us. Sayre is was great. They had no idea the communication change was coming until they got an email. Mind blown! He is in downtown Columbus. He loves it down there. His apartment is 2 story town home and really nice. He told us this experience...
As we spoke with Sayre the other day, he told us about a recent experience he had. He said it was kind of a rough day so he went home and was studying the Bible. He read the story of Lazarus. When Christ arrived at the place where Lazarus lay. The people around him were so sad. They expressed how Jesus could have saved him if he had gotten their earlier. Jesus stood among them and wept with them. When our lives are tough. We sometimes forget how much Jesus loves us. How he would stand and weep with us if he could. 
He has also been going to the children’s hospital near his house and giving blessings to the children there. This has been a cool and humbling experience for him and Elder Henshaw.  They live near German Village. It is a cool part of town. He sent some pictures of that. He is happy serving and really appreciates everyone’s prayers. 

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