Monday, February 11, 2019

New Area, New Companion & Cold - February 11, 2019

Everything is great! Yes, i got the packages. They are awesome.  Oh yeah! The Bible is awesome and the Book of Mormon is great! And the chocolate are good.This week has been good. Elder Henshaw is awesome, and we are having a lot of fun. The area is downtown so it's different but way fun. Not mugged yet so that's good. Just kidding it's not that bad. It is kinda rich if we turn right but if we turn left it's a rougher area so we stay on the left side to teach. There isn't a very big teaching pool but, we are working hard to find some
The apartment is super nice. It's good to be in a biking area and my bike will be down next Friday. We bus  a lot though
The mission buys us bus passes. 
Transfers went well. It's been snowy and cold but we have been trying a survey attempt to start a conversations and it's really working. We did service at a Christian church and it was fun. It's called Dream Center. We saw two hobo people fight. It was hilarious idk what else to say. Tonight we are doing dinner and tracting I think it'll be fun.
It's cold! 15? Our area is big its all of Columbus. My companion is from California by Fresno. Our ward is about 150 people. I gotta go. I'll email more next week. 
I love you!
Elder Davis

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