Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Three Pack, Oreos, and Transfers - May 1, 2019

It's been a good week. I was moved to Hilliard on Wednesday and have been in a three pack companionship. I love elder Porter and Bowen. They are a lot like me. We have taught a lot and found 32 new investigators this week. It's been awesome! I got to pet three French bull dogs, and we decided it's my spirit animal. We went to a chili cook off and it was fun. I've pretty much been a secretary for a week to the zone leaders so that's been fun. I'm being transferred to a tiny branch and town it'll be great. I leave tomorrow to Cambridge, Ohio. We got to clean out my old apt. They closed down my old area, so that was fun. We also had a contact where a lady asked us "what do you want?! Money? Me to convert?" and Elder Porter immediately answered straight faced "actually Oreos". She then slammed the door. It's been a good week 
Elder Davis

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