Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I’m Getting Transferred & 5 Months Out - May 30, 2018

Everything here is good. 
I am being transferred to Gahanna. It Is on the east side of Columbus. My companion is staying here and they are getting rid of the quad and making it a single companionship area. The other two we think are going to Cincinnati mission. Elder Smith us my new companion. It is a town by Columbus. Last night we caught fireflies. It was Super fun but no pictures would capture them. Kate's good. Excited for her mission. I do. I usually am pretty good with it. Grandma sent me a letter which was awesome. This week was pretty normal. We taught some people and found others. Everyone was really nice this week which was good. People here are good. But awesome. We didn't go this week. They cancelled bible study due to memorial day. I am super excited about the golden knights. I will send me new address next week.
Elder Davis

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Farm Tour & Mission Tour - May 23, 2018

This week was good. This week was pretty normal and repetitive. We are not sure what we are going to do today but we will do something. I got your package and it was awesome! This week I are peanut butter and jelly a lot. The bible study was Good. We went to Eddie's house one of the bible study guys house. We rode around his farm and saw his cows. I got a coat 2 pants and a coat for brodey. I sang for the mission tour and it went good. This week we sang a duet "Lord I would follow Thee" for the general authority mission tour. My companion is good. He is a Idaho kid and  he's nice. I probably will be transferred next week which is ok with me. So excited about the Golden Knights!  He's (Fleury) epic! I'm so hyped. Brother Eudaily always updates me when they play.
Elder Davis

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Hot Week & Don't Ask - May 16, 2018

This week has been fun. We have walked a lot and tried to find some interesting people. We got to go to the bible study which is always awesome. Yesterday we walked 4 miles in 90 degree weather with 98% humidity. I got to play with the Vallery's bulldog. It was so cute her name was hazel. We got to Skype home which was see you guys. Not a super exciting week. I got letters from Grandma. So, that was good. Transfers are May 30th on that Tuesday. 
Elder Davis
Don't Ask :)

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day Skype - May 13, 2018

What do people think about your name?
Everyone hear calls me Sayre. They aren't supposed to but they like my name so that is what they call me. They haven't heard it before. 

Weirdest food?
Buckeyes - They are useless, poisonous but they make pretend ones out of chocolate and put peanut butter in them. So, he tells everyone that Buckeyes are useless. They don't like that.

What makes you laugh in your area? 
All of the different people here. They are funny. I like meeting all of them. We met one guy who was shooting up heroine when we knocked on the door. Yesterday, a man opened the front door naked. So, there are a lot of different people here. 

What do you love about your mission president?
Elder Stratford is amazing. He is the perfect mission president for me. He is not super nice or super strict he is perfect. He is totally going to be an apostle one day. I get to see him a lot and I really like him. He told me if I ever serve in Columbus during hockey season he will take me to a game. 

We are a obedient and righteous mission. We are known for that. One of the first missions and the general authorities come there a lot. They work really hard and are known for that. 

When was the last time you saw a prayer answered?
We had walked and walked and couldn't find anyone to talk to.  So, we prayed one last time and just kept walking. We met 4 amazing people who we were able to talk to. One of them invited us to a bible study group that they do every week. So, we go there every Monday now. It has been an amazing experience even a miracle. 

What do you like most about your companion?
He is a good guy. He reminds him of Kaleb Kaufman a friend he had in Idaho. He really loved his trainer, Elder Harward. When he first got to Ohio, the mission president told him that he was getting the best trainer in the mission. Sayre couldn't stop talking about Elder Harward and how much he has learned from him. They get to go on one more exchange with him before Elder Harward goes home. 

How are your clothes?
My clothes are good. One of the nice men hear gave me some pants. They are really nice. So, I am good with clothes and doing good.

Favorite p-day activity?
Elder Madsen bought a bunch of Magic cards so we played all pday. It was awesome. 

What service do you do in your area?
We go to the food bank. That is a lot of fun. We work at the menanite thrift store. They always have food for us and treat us really well. We like going there. 

How has music affected your mission?
I wouldn't be on a mission without music. It has been an amazing influence in my life. I love listening to it out here. The devotional was fun to do. Me and Elder Harward used music a lot. 

Mission Tour?
A general authority is coming to tour our mission. So, me and Elder Harward are singing a duet for him. That will be a cool experience. 

Scariest thing that has happened to you?
When we knocked on a door and the man opened it with a needle. He was shooting up heroine. I definitely feel protected out here, but that was a weird experience.

Favorite mail?
When Sue sent me the craisins. I love them. I keep them in the car and just eat them when we drive around. 

We get to go fishing next week. We are excited about that. 

I love the people at the bakery. We get to go there and help every once in a while. We love going there. The husband is a really nice guy. He is always good to us and has taught me a lot. 

Elder Davis from Ohio

Mother's Day Skype from London, Ohio

Brodey, Dad, Mom, Weston, Sue, Grandma, Kate, and Elly

My family

Brothers Swapping Mission Stores and Advice

Kate skyping in from Rexburg, ID

Sister Watching In

Elder Davis in London, OH

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Baby Horses & Stuff - May 9, 2018

This week was Good. We have been hoofing it a lot and trying to find new people to teach. We Are thinking 3 o'clock for calls, but we aren't sure quite yet. I will Skype on our phone. Since my tablet is fried. Church was Good, it's pretty stressful and stuff at church but it was Good. P days are always exciting and nice to relax for a bit. I got letters from my open house. Justin Holmes' letter was awesome. I make breakfast burritos a lot and everyone feeds us pizza. I do follow the rules, I'm well known in the zone for being an obedient missionary.  We also played with some baby horses and stuff. I will send pics. We are emailing through out the day due to the stuff we are doing today
Elder Davis

Teaching the Sister Missionaries

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Ohio is Gorgeous - May 2, 2018

Hello Everyone, 
This week has been good. I got my Pokemon cards craisins, and the other package. Thank you so much. Our inv search is going. We knocked and walked 60 miles. We are working super hard. Miracles are coming. Elder Madsen is awesome. Super funny and very motivated. We are definitely friends for life.
I loved the packages. We played pokemon all day today and every night since I got them.
Ohio is gorgeous. It's totally green and really old houses. They say the summer is rough, so we will see.
We are shopping and eating at a super cool restaurant today. It is a good food truck. This week we made friends with a horse that we named taco. :) We started playing the card game magic. We helped someone plant trees.  
Elder Davis

Nerf Wars!
London, Ohio

London, Ohio


London, Ohio

London, Ohio