Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Working Hard in Cleveland & Bus Crazy Man - June 25, 2019

Hey Everyone
I am having a great time in my new area. The ward is great. They do a lot of activities and are super supportive of the missionaries. We are teaching 5 new people. That has been exciting. There is a lot of work to be done here and that makes the days go faster. 
Cleveland is a nice city. We live near a lot of the art museums and there are two colleges here in town. We can't proselyte on the campuses, so that is a bummer. It has been nice being over a YSA ward. We have the largest area in the mission. So, we are glad that we have a car. 
We went to a big Asian market this week. It was cool. We bought some food there to make at home. I enjoy cooking and we cook a lot of good meals. 
Thanks for the package. I really appreciate the mail. 
I had a crazy experience on a bus that I forgot to write about a few transfers ago. We were riding a bus in Columbus. A guy came up to us adn started yelling at us that we believed in Joseph Smith and just yelled in our faces for about 10 stops. He just kept telling us how awful we were. Finally, we got to his stop. He got off still yelling. The bus driver turned around when he left and said... "that's John, he hates everyone." We both just laughed. People are definitely opinionated and don't mind being hateful. It is sad, but makes for a good story. 
Have a great week
Elder Davis

Monday, June 17, 2019

Shaker Shack & Lots of Pics - June 17, 2019

It has been a good week. When we got to Cleveland on Thursday the sister missionaries told us we were supposed to be volunteering in Kirtland. So, we headed up there and worked at the strawberry festival with the Kiwanis Club. Ohio loves festivals. They have a lot of them. They liked us so much that we went back the next day and helped also. I met a senior couple who is serving in Kirtland. They used to be in my dad's ward when he was growing up. So, they know my grandparents and family also. They are the Isaac's. They were super nice. We scooped a lot of ice cream together. 
Our apartment is called the Shaker Shack in the mission. It is one of the best apartments. It is so nice. We live above a member family. We love it and the elders before us left a lot of food so that was great. 
Our ysa branch has about 50 people who come on Sundays. They were super nice. It is going to be a great area. We have one sister on date for baptism and are teaching several others. 
We have all of the cool places in Cleveland in our area. We have two colleges. One is a music school. So, we talked to them about letting us proselyte on campus. They said that we definitely could. 
There are a bunch of art museums and cool places to see here. We can't go to the Indians stadium though, dad :). It is out of our area. 
Elder Stoddard and I get a long well. We are a lot alike. He is from St. George. 
We live near Lake Eerie so that is pretty cool. It is going to be a great area. I am excited to be here. 
Elder Davis

Sayre and Elder Stoddard

Kirtland Kiwanis Strawberry Festival

Scooping Ice Cream

Sayre and Brother and Sister Isaac

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Transfers, Cleveland, New Rules, & Princesses - June 12, 2019

What's your guess on where in going? 😂😂😂Cleveland!
I cover the YSA so our whole area is the Kirtland zone and we don't live in downtown Cleveland. We live in shaker heights which is a good area. I’ll send my mom the address if you want it, ask her. We're opening up a brand new area. We are over the YSA ward. Half of our ward is in the Detroit mission and the other half in our mission. The President asked the quorum of the twelve of we could travel in both missions, but we can’t. So we will have to get creative. We can go to their activities and home evenings. That should be fun. Elder Green went to my zone also with Elder Baldwin. I’m with Elder Stoddard a super chill rapper missionary. We live in the upstairs of a members home. I went on exchanges there in Kirtland. So I have been to the apartment before.  My companion is from St George. His mom is from Cedar City. Our transfers are 
tomorrow, it’s 3 hours away. We cover the  Kirtland stake. So yes, it includes Kirtland. We are about 20 minutes away from there. Today we are just cleaning and packing. 
This week was fun. It was good. We did some fun stuff. We walked little girls and their mom around to different business that decorated like Disney princess movies and the little girls were all dressed up. 
There are some new rules in the mission. We can’t read any emails during the week only on pdays. The other one is that we can call any of our family. So that includes aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. That is pretty cool. So I can call Irene when she gets baptized and stuff like that.  Here are all of the areas I’ve been in and my companions in the past 18 months. 
Madison lake
Marble Cliff
Shaker heights 
I will call on Sunday for Father’s Day. 
Elder Davis

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Top 10 Things About Ohio - June 3, 2019

It has been a good week. We have been doing service for people in the area. We did a random acts of kindness day and that was a success. Thanks to everyone who joined in. The weather has been nice. The branch in this area is about 25 people. So it is small.  My mom asked me the top 10 things about Ohio so here they are...
Top ten things about Ohio
10-useless nuts:aka Buckeyes
9-Beavers everywhere
8-ohio State
6- church ball
5-green, everything
3- farms
2- sunsets
1-fireflies everywhere
Ohio is a nice place. Elder Green and I are getting along. Next week is transfers so we will both be going somewhere. Our Pday will be on Wednesday next week. I can’t believe I only have 6 months left. It has been a great 18 months so far and I’ve learned a lot.
Elder Davis